A pre-processing NLP pipeline with spaCy
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A pre-processing NLP pipeline with spaCy
We start by importing some utility libraries to retrieve the .txt files containing the transcripts of a sample of commencement speeches.
# %% # Import libraries # import glob, os import spacy from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table
Then, we load one of the model languages made available by the spaCy people. Since we aren’t using word vectors, the small model β€œen_core_web_sm” is totally fine.
# %% Load the model of the language to use for the pre-processing nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
Time to load the transcripts. The easiest way is to clone NLP-orgs-markets, the companion repo to this GitHub Page.
# %% # Load the transcripts for a sample of commencement speeches # # browse target folder fdr = "../sampleData/commencementSpeeches/corpus" in_fs = glob.glob(os.path.join(fdr, "*.txt")) # load the transcripts into a dictionary speeches = {} for in_f in in_fs: with open(in_f, "r") as f: key = int(in_f.split("_")[1].rstrip(".txt")) speeches[key] = f.read() del key
Good to go: we create a nice table with Rich to populate with the outcome of spaCy. Note that spaCy associates a very large number of attributes to each token. The best way to get a closer understanding of these attributes (and their labels) is to browse the API of the library.
# %% # create a Rich's table to print the output of the spaCy's pipeline console = Console() # defin table properties table = Table( show_header=True, header_style="bold #2070b2", title="[bold] [#2070b2] A pre-processing NLP pipeline with spaCy[/#2070b2]", ) # add columns table.add_column('Token text') table.add_column('Lemma') table.add_column('POS') table.add_column('DEP') table.add_column('Alpha') table.add_column('Stop') # let's consider the first speech in the dictionary doc = speeches[0] # we retrieve the tokens' attributes and we add them to the table for token in nlp(doc): table.add_row( token.text, token.lemma_, token.pos_, token.dep_, str(token.is_alpha), str(token.is_stop), ) # print the table console.print(table)
This snippet comes from the Python script β€œnlpPipelines/spacy_nlp_pipeline.py”, Β  hosted in the GitHub repo simoneSantoni/NLP-orgs-markets.